MTI believes Athletics are an important part of a school culture. It provides opportunities to develop skills such as teamwork, dedication and confidence.
MTI is proud to be a part of Indiana High School Athletic Association. The IHSA regulates more than 20 sports, and 160,000 students all across Indiana and arranges games for schools to participate with one another.
MTI offers a competitive athletics program for both girls and boys in Middle School, and in High School. Soccer, Basketball, and Track teams are a part of our program in which MTI teams play with other schools around Indianapolis.
Please email our Athletic Director, [email protected] for more info.

Math Bowl
Spelling Bee
Peer Tutoring
Coloring Contests
Essay Contests
Student Council
After School Clubs:
Due to school closure, we will not have any after school clubs.

MTI holds two independent libraries, one for elementary students and one for middle and high school students, with a huge collection of books, organized based on AR levels, dating back to rare and required new subjects which are updated on regular basis. Both the libraries offer indoor activities.